Ókeypis vefnámskeið - ADHD, sex, intimacy and relationships.

Ari Tuckman - ADHD, sex, intimacy and relationships.
Ari Tuckman - ADHD, sex, intimacy and relationships.

Vegna aðildar að ADHD Euorpe geta ADHD samtökin nú boðið áhugasömum að taka þátt í ókeypis námskeiði á netinu um "ADHD, sex, intimacy and relationships."

Fyrirlesari námskeiðsins, Ari Tuckman er íslendingum að góðu kunnur en hann hefur nokkrum sinnum haldið fyrirlestra á ráðstefnum ADHD samtakanna og bók hans, Leyndardómar heilans, láttu verkin tala, kom út hjá ADHD samtökunum árið 2014. 

Námskeiðið hefst kl. 16:00 að íslenskum tíma, þriðjudaginn 11. febrúar, en skráning þarf að fara fram áður en námskeiðið hefst. Allar nánari upplýsingar má finna hér að neðan.


Broadcasting-ADHD-Europe invites you to participate in our webinar on February 11 (2020), starting at 5pm (CET).

The topic is ADHD, sex, intimacy and relationships.

Our guest is expert Ari Tuckman, psychologist and certified sex therapist.

The field of intimacy, sex and relationships can be very challenging for the ADHD brain.

In our webinar we talk openly about it, bust misunderstandings and share insights just a few days before Valentine’s day.

 ⇒ Reserve one hour for this webinar and prepare questions. Participants can ask questions and participate via the online chat room conversation.

 ⇒ Register now to be sure of your place in the webinar. Use the following link to register:


You will participate anonymously, but the webinar is open for public.

About the speaker Ari Tuckman:

Ari Tuckman is a psychologist and certified sex therapist in a private practice in West Chester, Pennsylvania, US.

Ari specialises in diagnosing and treating people with ADHD, as well as couples and sex therapy.

He has appeared on CNN, National Public Radio and XM Radio.

He’s been quoted in The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Daily Mail (UK).

Ari is a former board member and current conference committee co-chair for CHADD, the US ADHD advocacy association.

Look here for his website

About your host and moderator:

Hans van de Velde will be your host and moderator of the webinar.

Hans will pass on your questions to Ari Tuckman before and during the webinar.

Look here for who he is, coach, Board member ADHD Europe, chair of the Science Committee Impuls & Woortblind, ambassador-founder of European Brains@Work.

More info via WhatsApp: +31653236875